Doubting Your Ability To Share?

What If They Ask Me a Question I Can’t Answer?

We are living in a time when fewer people have a basic understanding of faith, so we need to be prepared for questions, criticisms, and general skepticism about Christianity.

Don’t be surprised if you hear things like: “Doesn't Christianity crush diversity?" "How can you take the Bible literally?" "Doesn't religion cause violence?" "Doesn't Christianity denigrate women?" "Isn't the Bible homophobic?" "Hasn't science disproved Christianity?" "How could a loving God allow suffering?" "How can you say there's only one true faith?" "How can you say God even exists?" and others.

Most believers are not walking apologists; we just love Jesus and want others to know Him as well. But don’t sell yourself short. An apologist is a person who is able to provide a compelling defense of the faith. That might scare you, but let me tell why it shouldn’t.

Not everyone is capable of being a Ravi Zacharias, Greg Koukl, or Sean McDowell, but everyone can be better prepared and able to point people to some credible answers to curious questions. God always equips us with what He commands us to do, and He’s told us to be ready to give a defense: “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15)

We now have many incredible resources to tap into that will help anyone hear or read some persuasive answers that God can use to open hearts to His gospel.

How Can I Prepare Myself?

1. Use the simple and easy to remember “Four Killer Questions” by Worldview Academy.

  • What do you mean by _________? This is a good way to find out what people are really saying and understanding. Use this question to make sure you aren’t using the same word but meaning two completely different things.

  • How do you know that what you are saying is true? This question forces people to give you evidence for the validity of their belief.

  • What difference does it make in your life? Or, so what? What are the logical implications of your belief in everyday life? Every belief system has logical actions that follow it.

  • What if you are wrong? This question forces people to grapple with the potentially grave implications of being eternally wrong.

2. Consult some helpful resources on common questions you will hear and can answer. Consider brushing up on how to answer common questions, or connect the curious questioner to a biblical post, article, or video they can read or hear, and then plan to interact with them about it. The following resources have excellent apologetic materials you can access and use to equip yourself and share with others.

  • Charlie Campbell (Always be Ready | alwaysbeready.comhere.

  • Greg Koukl (Stand to Reason Ministry | Click on the blog and view and choose topics.

  • The One Minute Apologist on Video: choose the topic you’d like to better understand.

  • Sean McDowell: Click on his blog and browse by category.

  • J. Warner Wallace (Cold Case Christianity | Click on articles or videos and choose your desired topic.

Let me know how your interactions are going. You can email me at

Preparing With You,

Pastor Jeff (