
We Need More W.A.T.W. Types @ Christmastime

We Need More W.A.T.W. Types @ Christmastime

What is a W.A.T.W type? I’ll get to that in a moment.

Christmas is probably the most universally celebrated holiday of any on the calendar. For almost an entire month, there is a party atmosphere everywhere with all kinds of traditions around lights and trees and decorations and special food and songs a seemingly endless array of gifts.

While we as believers know why this celebration is so special (“there is born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”), but most in our culture give nothing more than a superficial nod to some little cuddly baby born in a manger.

What can be done to bring more attention to the centerpiece of this celebration? Be more like W.A.T.W. What?

Gospel Grattitude

Gospel Grattitude

We just celebrated our annual Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends, and it’s a perfect time to remember how grateful we are for the gospel in our lives. Meditating on the blessings of the good news can keep you highly motivated in your gospel-proclaiming ministry.
Paul, the ultimate evangelist, modeled a thanks-driven life about the blessings of the gospel that is being proclaimed (Rom. 1:8Phil. 1:3-4Col. 1:3-62 Thess. 2:13).

Doubting Your Ability To Share?

Doubting Your Ability To Share?

What If They Ask Me a Question I Can’t Answer?

We are living in a time when fewer people have a basic understanding of faith, so we need to be prepared for questions, criticisms, and general skepticism about Christianity.

Don’t be surprised if you hear things like: “Doesn't Christianity crush diversity?" "How can you take the Bible literally?" "Doesn't religion cause violence?" "Doesn't Christianity denigrate women?" "Isn't the Bible homophobic?" "Hasn't science disproved Christianity?" "How could a loving God allow suffering?" "How can you say there's only one true faith?" "How can you say God even exists?" and others.

One Year Anniversary of Tell Someone

One Year Anniversary of Tell Someone


It’s now been one year since over 100 of our church family committed to being a better, more faithful witness for Jesus Christ. Our Tell Someone campaign was designed to re-inform, re-tool, and re-motivate our hearts to grow in our personal and corporate gospel passion, skill, and faithfulness. Here is what we shared last August as we prepared ourselves to become better witnesses for Jesus Christ:

WHY Do You Tell Someone?

Answer This Riveting Question...

Answer This Riveting Question...

Are you willing to do for the truth what the cults do for a lie?

Ever heard this question?
Ever stopped to consider its implications for your life?

If we have the only gospel truth that can save (and we do) and Satan is committed to spreading his damning lies through false religion (and he does), then what does that mean about me and my witness? Are we willing to allow Satan’s evangelists to out-share us?

Darcy, Meg & Kevin....three names in my story.

Darcy, Meg & Kevin....three names in my story.


I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. - 1 Corinthians 3:6

It was early my freshman year of college when my dad called to tell me my mom, age 46, had suffered a massive heart attack. I remember the kindness of DARCY, a girl in my dorm, who hugged me and told me she had called her mom back home and asked her to put my mom on their church’s prayer chain. Although I didn’t know what a prayer chain was, I was grateful. I attended this church many times in the years ahead whenever I would visit her on summer vacation. Who would know that years later, I would meet and marry the son of this preacher who first preached the gospel to me.

Tell Someone Check-up: How's it Going?

Tell Someone Check-up: How's it Going?

It’s been 34 weeks since we all took the Tell Someone Challenge (September 3, 2017) and it’s time for a little check-up.

Two Questions to Gauge Your Gospel Witness

1. How is my gospel witness progressing?

  • Am I keeping the commitment I made to the Lord in September of 2017?

  • What ways have I seen the Lord use me to be a gospel witness?

  • What obstacles have kept me from being the gospel witness I desire?

Make Your Step - Building Bridges

Make Your Step - Building Bridges

Our lives are full. Sometimes to the exclusion of building bridges with non-believers around us. Be proactive in looking for ways you can share hope with those who have no eternal hope.

Recently, a person who took the Tell Someone challenge went to visit a patient in the hospital. No one had visited him. His hospitalization brought him face to face with his mortality, and he sought her out to ask for spiritual support. She engaged in conversation with him, asked questions, didn't push an agenda but sought to understand his thought process and how he came to his conclusions.