
“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every unsaved person this of hell.”

“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every unsaved person this of hell.”

Pastor David Platt made this true and reflective statement.

  • Does this bring a conviction to your heart?

  • Does anyone come to mind who needs your gospel witness?

Barna Research recently concluded this from one of their surveys on “What Non-Christians Want from Faith Conversations

Darcy, Meg & Kevin....three names in my story.

Darcy, Meg & Kevin....three names in my story.


I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. - 1 Corinthians 3:6

It was early my freshman year of college when my dad called to tell me my mom, age 46, had suffered a massive heart attack. I remember the kindness of DARCY, a girl in my dorm, who hugged me and told me she had called her mom back home and asked her to put my mom on their church’s prayer chain. Although I didn’t know what a prayer chain was, I was grateful. I attended this church many times in the years ahead whenever I would visit her on summer vacation. Who would know that years later, I would meet and marry the son of this preacher who first preached the gospel to me.

Make Your Step - Building Bridges

Make Your Step - Building Bridges

Our lives are full. Sometimes to the exclusion of building bridges with non-believers around us. Be proactive in looking for ways you can share hope with those who have no eternal hope.

Recently, a person who took the Tell Someone challenge went to visit a patient in the hospital. No one had visited him. His hospitalization brought him face to face with his mortality, and he sought her out to ask for spiritual support. She engaged in conversation with him, asked questions, didn't push an agenda but sought to understand his thought process and how he came to his conclusions.

Make Your Step - Testimonies & Transitions

Make Your Step - Testimonies & Transitions

Following are examples shared by two people who took the next step. Having the "Tell Someone" challenge on their mind caused them to be proactive in looking for a chance to share. 

Story One: “…. Since then, my college friend and I have lived apart, and I have gotten back into church. God has really been putting her name in my mind during our "Tell Someone" series, and I decided to just get up the courage to start the conversation....It was truly scary to share with such a close friend, but I pray for her each day that she will find a meaningful relationship in Jesus going forward. Thanks for the challenge! It was what I needed to get moving and stop stalling.”