
Fast Facts on Responding to Popular Criticisms of Christianity

Fast Facts on Responding to Popular Criticisms of Christianity

Criticism: “Christians just have faith”

The fact of the matter, however, is that faith is not unique to Christians. Everyone has faith. For example, even the most hardcore Atheist has faith. The Atheist has faith that there is no God.

The question is not whether a person has faith or not. The real question is what are you putting your faith in and do you have a valid and reasonable basis for your faith?

As Christians we are not making a blind leap of faith. Christianity is not just wishful thinking. Rather, the Christian’s faith is one that is rooted in history and founded on a whole host of valid reasons to believe

Criticism: “You Christians are so judgmental”

4 Verses that Transformed My Evangelism

Paul’s trip to Athens is a goldmine for giving us a biblical approach to witnessing. We’re used to looking at Acts 17 and considering his approach in the marketplace and the synagogue, and to analyzing how in his Areopagus speech he both connects with and confronts the lies of the Athenians’ culture and worldview.

But what transformed my evangelism was verses 24–27. Look at what the apostle says about God and about people:

Fast Facts on What To Do When You’re on the Ropes in a Witnessing Encounter

Jason Carlson (Christian Ministries International)

  • Sometimes in our apologetic conversations, whether with cultists or skeptics, we will be confronted with a question or challenge that we simply don’t have an answer for. What should we do in those situations?

  • Avoid the temptation to make up an answer. Not only is this dishonest, but it’s not really helping the person you’re witnessing to.

“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every unsaved person this of hell.”

“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every unsaved person this of hell.”

Pastor David Platt made this true and reflective statement.

  • Does this bring a conviction to your heart?

  • Does anyone come to mind who needs your gospel witness?

Barna Research recently concluded this from one of their surveys on “What Non-Christians Want from Faith Conversations

Are You Being Honest with Yourself about Your Gospel Witness?

Are You Being Honest with Yourself about Your Gospel Witness?

Sometimes our biggest struggle with being a good and faithful gospel witness is being brutally honest with ourselves about why we don't consistently think, live, and breathe an evangelistic heart like we may think we do.

Ouch, that can sting as it does for me when I take stock of my desire, burden, and intentionality with gospel conversations.

How Do I Share What I Believe?

How Do I Share What I Believe?

I’ve investigated a number of murders over the years motivated by nothing more than an act of disrespect. The pursuit of power is one of three motivations driving criminal behavior, and it often manifests itself as a response to a simple act of insolence. When a gang member feels disrespected, for example, he may retaliate violently. As humans, all of us are repelled when we feel dishonored, insulted or belittled in some way, even if most of us won’t react as aggressively as gangsters. If you’re trying to persuade someone, it’s important to understand the relationship between respect and reach. The more we respect and honor the dignity of others, the more likely we’ll be able to reach them with an idea, concept or worldview. Jesus reiterated the importance of respecting others in his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount:

Do You Know What Non-Christians Wantfrom Faith Conversations?

Do You Know What Non-Christians Wantfrom Faith Conversations?

ead this quote slowly and thoughtfully: “However willing they may be, Christians’ ability to witness for Christ may be impeded by the simple fact that they don’t have meaningful relational connections with non-Christians, or the conversational skills necessary to talk meaningfully about faith.” (Conclusion to a Barna Research Report, February 19, 2019)

As you pray and seek to be a faithful gospel witness for the Lord, note some of the findings by Barna Research:

Overcoming 3 Main Fears in Evangelism

Overcoming 3 Main Fears in Evangelism

In evangelism, God has given us the message we need to share with unbelievers. The whole Bible tells the story of creation, mankind’s fall into sin, and the provision of a Savior through Jesus Christ. But the Scriptures do not only give the words necessary for unbelievers to know the content of the gospel. The Bible also gives the words necessary to encourage Christians to evangelize, especially when it comes to overcoming fears.

Here then are three common fears and how the Bible encourages us to overcome them.

Evangelism Manifesto

Evangelism Manifesto

A Manifesto of Evangelism | John R.W. Stott

‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’ (10:15; Is. 52:7).

Convinced that God has a future for both Jews and Gentiles, and that their growth into ‘fulness’ will be brought about by evangelism, Paul makes a forceful statement of its logic (10:14f.) and alludes in other ways to the spread of the gospel. From these chapters, therefore, it is possible to summarize Paul’s teaching on evangelism to form an eight-point manifesto.

The need for evangelism: evangelism is necessary because until people hear and receive the gospel they are lost.

Reaching People With the Gospel

Reaching People With the Gospel

Reaching People with the Gospel | Tim Challies – August 23, 2018 | View the video clips of this transcript

What is the best way to reach people with the Gospel today?

People are always reached in the same way, which is through the telling, the preaching, the sharing of the Gospel, right. So, one way or another, people have to hear the Gospel and respond to it. The means through which people hear the Gospel can vary a lot and it does seem that over time that shifts back and forth. So, you go back to the great awakening and you would have thousands of unbelievers coming out to hear sermons.

18 Prayers for Unbelievers

18 Prayers for Unbelievers

18 Prayers for Unbelievers by Tim Challies - November 15, 2016

A friend asked the question: How do I pray for unbelievers? How do I pray effectively? I trust that every Christian regularly prays for family or friends or colleagues or neighbors who do not yet know the Lord. And while we can and must pray for matters related to their lives and circumstances, the emphasis of our prayers must always be for their salvation. Here are some ways the Bible can guide our prayers.