
“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every unsaved person this of hell.”

“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every unsaved person this of hell.”

Pastor David Platt made this true and reflective statement.

  • Does this bring a conviction to your heart?

  • Does anyone come to mind who needs your gospel witness?

Barna Research recently concluded this from one of their surveys on “What Non-Christians Want from Faith Conversations

It’s Summer: Look Around and Engage

It’s Summer: Look Around and Engage

Summertime always seems to be a greater opportunity to engage in gospel conversations.

  • There’s more light.

  • There are more people out and about.

  • There are more relaxed environments.

  • People seem happier and more relational.

Ask Questions – Strategic Questions – More Questions

One of the best ways to transition conversations is to ask questions. People seem more willing to answer some good, caring, non-intrusive questions than to just engage in small talk, so prepare yourself with some key questions to ask in all kinds of settings.

Take a look at the following questions and then start looking for opportunities to ask and see where the conversation leads. …

Reaching People With the Gospel

Reaching People With the Gospel

Reaching People with the Gospel | Tim Challies – August 23, 2018 | View the video clips of this transcript

What is the best way to reach people with the Gospel today?

People are always reached in the same way, which is through the telling, the preaching, the sharing of the Gospel, right. So, one way or another, people have to hear the Gospel and respond to it. The means through which people hear the Gospel can vary a lot and it does seem that over time that shifts back and forth. So, you go back to the great awakening and you would have thousands of unbelievers coming out to hear sermons.

18 Prayers for Unbelievers

18 Prayers for Unbelievers

18 Prayers for Unbelievers by Tim Challies - November 15, 2016

A friend asked the question: How do I pray for unbelievers? How do I pray effectively? I trust that every Christian regularly prays for family or friends or colleagues or neighbors who do not yet know the Lord. And while we can and must pray for matters related to their lives and circumstances, the emphasis of our prayers must always be for their salvation. Here are some ways the Bible can guide our prayers.

7 Practical Steps to Cultivate a Heart for the Lost

7 Practical Steps to Cultivate a Heart for the Lost

The Apostle Paul famously said that his “heart’s desire” and his “prayer to God” is that his fellow Jews “may be saved” (Rom. 10:1). The problem was that these “kinsmen according to the flesh” were lost—bound for an eternity without God—which filled Paul’s heart with “great sorrow and unceasing anguish” (Rom. 9:2-3).

Because we are sinners, we can take a true doctrine (God’s absolute sovereignty) and make it incompatible with an appropriate emotion (unceasing anguish for the lost). In a sermon from several years ago, John Piper explained three ways we can experience a disconnect between the biblical doctrine and the appropriate emotional state:

Tips for Telling Someone the Gospel

Tips for Telling Someone the Gospel

Christ’s Church – 2018

1. Pray regularly for open doors, divine appointments, boldness, clarity, and conviction for unbelievers you know in your sphere of influence.

2. Take the initiative to engage people. Be interested in their life and ask lots of questions (residence; occupation; birthplace; family background; interests, etc.)

3. Be a good listener. Listen for passions, fears, joys, sorrows, beliefs, values, struggles, etc.

Make Your Step - Building Bridges

Make Your Step - Building Bridges

Our lives are full. Sometimes to the exclusion of building bridges with non-believers around us. Be proactive in looking for ways you can share hope with those who have no eternal hope.

Recently, a person who took the Tell Someone challenge went to visit a patient in the hospital. No one had visited him. His hospitalization brought him face to face with his mortality, and he sought her out to ask for spiritual support. She engaged in conversation with him, asked questions, didn't push an agenda but sought to understand his thought process and how he came to his conclusions.